2007 Jul 06 7:35 PM
Plz help me in knowing the functionality of CTU_PARAMS in BDC.
Thanks in advance
2007 Jul 06 7:39 PM
This is realted to screen resolution.
simple example :
if you upload data to table control transaction,sometime it may have 5 line items ,some time it may show 10 line items.
we need fix the size of table control ( it should be fixed ),so we use CTU_PARAMS.
data: f_option type ctu_params,
f_option-updmode = 'S'.
f_option-defsize = 'X'.
f_option-dismode = 'N'.
call transaction 'VA01' using bdcdata options from f_option messages into bdcerror.
2007 Jul 06 8:37 PM
For Screen Resolution we use the CTU_PARAMS,
"S: synchronously
"A: asynchronously
"L: local . these all are possible vcalues for update mode.
"A: show all dynpros
"E: show dynpro on error only
"N: do not display dynpro . these are all posible values for display mode.
this field describes the screen resolution option.
i_ctu-dismode = 'A'.
i_ctu-updmode = 'S'.
i_ctu-cattmode = ' '.
i_ctu-defsize = 'X'. " Screen Resolution Option
i_ctu-nobinpt = 'X'.
<b>look at the below for an example program</b>
<b>Here is the Example Program for Table Control</b>
data: i_ctu type ctu_params,
Ashok Reddy