2007 Mar 20 1:12 PM
what does CTC, OTC, RTP and RTR means in SAP?
and where do i get these ?
2007 Mar 20 1:15 PM
RTP - Real Time Pricing
it could also be Returnable Transport Packaging
2007 Mar 20 1:18 PM
thanks for the input...
i actually need whole bunch of list with these terminologies and functional area they correspong to...
specific link will be helpful..
2007 Mar 27 5:09 AM
2011 May 09 8:16 PM
2020 Nov 03 11:42 AM
In the post below you can find an explanation of what the end-to-end processes are. Sometimes the same acronyms can apply to several End-to-End processes like MTO could be "Make to Order" (in PP area) but also "Market to Order" (in CRM area) depending on the context.
2022 May 19 7:08 AM
CTC - Contract to cash
OTC - Order to Cash
RTP - Real Time Pricing
RTR - Record to Report
ATR - Account to Report
Thank you
Regard's Mahesh