2007 Oct 05 4:26 PM
Can any one please let me know what is the realtion table to find out the Business partner Telephone number (ADRC) and General Data BP (BUT000), I found out the persunumber number,but the persunumber in BUT000 and ADRC persunumber is not matching.
What I would require is that Once I take the BP number or Address Number I want to the Telephone number of the BP, from one of the CRM tables where telephone numbers of BP are maintained.
Thank You,
2007 Oct 05 6:29 PM
BUT000 : BP: General data
Contains Business Partner Number, Partner Category, Partner Type, First Name, Last Name etc.
BUT020 BP: Addresses
BUT050 BP relationships/role definitions: General data
Contains Relationship, Partner Number (PARTNER1), Relationship Category
BUT051 BP Relationship: Contact Person Relationship
Similar to BUT050 , additionally contains Contact Persons Address data
BUT0BK Business Partner: Bank Data & Details
BP Number, Bank Key, Bank Country Key, Bank Account Number
BNKA Bank Master Data
BUT100 BP: Roles
ADR2 Telephone Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR6 SMTP Numbers (Business Address Services)
Contains Email Id of the BP.
ADRC Addresses (Business Address Services)
BPs Complete Address Details- City, Country, Post Code, District, Street, Title No Etc
TSAD3T Table containing the Title text against a Title No.
COMM_PRODUCT Master Table for Product
CRMM_BUAG Master table for Business Agreement
CRMM_BUAG_H Header Data for Business Agreement such as Tax Category, Tax Characteristic, Form key, Business Agreement Class. Data in this table correspond to ISU CRMD_ORDERADM_H Contains the Header Information for a Business Transaction.
1. It doesnt store the Business Partner
responsible for the transaction. To
get the Partner No, link it with
2. This table can be used for search
based on the Object Id(Business
Transaction No).
CRMD_CUSTOMER_H Additional Site Details at the Header Level of a Business Transaction
CRMC_PROC_TYPE Master table Business Transaction Type
CRMC_PARTNER_FCT Definition of Partner Functions
SCPRIOT Priorities for Activities with priority text.
CRMC_PROC_TYPE_T Text for a transaction type
CRMC_ACT_OBJ_T Objective Number and Text for Activities
TJ30T All the status code and text
CRMC_PR_ASSIGN : Transaction Type and its Transaction Type Object.
IBIB : Installed Base/Ibase
IBIN : Installed Base Components
CRMC_T077D : customer account groups
CRMD_ORDERADM_H (for header) CRMD_ORDERADM_I (Item data)
CRMD_ORDERADM_H Business Transactions CRM
CRMD_OPPORT_H Opportunity
Please give me reward points if it is useful
Murali Poli