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Creation Of Custom Transaction For RF enabled devices "mobile data entry"

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Everyone,

i need some information, or some material or some example's for creating custom transactions that will invoke the standard good issue transaction of sap from the handled device using the RF , so can anybody give some reference which will help me in creating custom transaction for a RF enabled handled device, which will invoke the standard sap goods issue transaction( mb1a) ,, there are some LM-transaction which do goods issue from the RF enabled handled device, but in my case i want to do goods issue using reservation as my input, so can anybody guide me or send some reference material matching to my problem, i would really appreciate it..

thanks in advance...



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Hussaini,

Here are the steps.

1> Customization needs to be completed in SPRO. Logistics Execution -> Mobile Data entry section. Also compare entries with LM01 for understanding.

2> In the 'Define menu management', you can create dynamic menus. For Menu or transaction type, if you enter "1", a menu appears; if you enter "2", a transaction appears. Custom transactions can be created and assigned here.

Once that is done, when you execute LM01 you will see your custom transactions come up. Make sure that these are created keeping in mind the RF device screen size and limitations.



0 Kudos

hello everyone,

first of all thanks anand for ur reply, but here is my problem, what u replied me is we can do in the configuration in spro and can achieve, my problem is i want to issue goods with respect with to reservations, basically there are some LMxx transaction exits that will allow goods issue with delivery, staging, handling unit etc, mine problem is i want to develop a functionality where in i can issue goods issue with respect to reservation via RF , if u see the functionality of the standard transaction MB1a, there it is one option of goods issue to reservation that i want to replicate here on RF device , please anyone if u did this previously please let me know,, thanks in advance..


Former Member
0 Kudos

I have the same requirement.

Can someone provide a way to get documentation on ;

1) Mobile Data Entry Programming Guide and/or

2) Programming Guidelines for RF Applications

This documentation has detailed steps to develop a custom RF transaction.