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Creating RFC function for uploading Vandor Master Data

0 Kudos

Hi Guys,

We're planning on creating an external program (basically a web application written in PHP) to create a new vendor more easily and in a more controlled way.

The best way, I think, is for us to create a set of RFC functions which we will use in our PHP application for uploading the vendor data (using SAPRFC).

Are there any of you have a good (basic) idea on which BAPI's and/or FM's we can use best to create these RFC functions?

I 've found on this forum the FM "VENDOR_INSERT", but one user told on the forum that this FM is not meant for use stand-alone.

Doe anybody have another idea which FM's are better to create a new vendor and upload vendor master data?

Many, many thanks in advance!

PS "BAPI_VENDOR_CREATE" is no good as it seems to only start a certain transaction.


Former Member
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I'm not sure it will work, but you can try BAPU BAPI_BUSPARTNER_CREATE.




Former Member
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I'm not sure it will work, but you can try BAPU BAPI_BUSPARTNER_CREATE.



0 Kudos


Hmmm... It seems this BAPI can not be found on our SAP system.

But thanks anyway for the tip.

Former Member
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Did you have any luck finding a BAPI for vendor create? We are in the same boat... We want to implement a non-SAP MDM tool and use a web call to create the vendors. I would have thought that SAP would provide something like they do for materials but all of my research has come up short.

Did you implement your web interface? If so, did you end up using a custom RFC call to create the vendors?

If you could provide some insight as to how you solved the problem I would appreciate it. Thanks.

Rich Wortmann

<< Removed >>

Edited by: Rob Burbank on May 14, 2009 10:45 AM

0 Kudos

Dear Mr. Wortmann,

Our project is not finished yet. We're still working on the upload functionality of the aplication.

At this moment we're planning to built self-made BAPI Functions which are being build around FM "VENDOR_INSERT".

I don't believe there is an "ultimate" BAPI function which will do the trick... I hope so, but I don't think so...

( ^_^ )

We really hope we can pull this project off... The system we have in mind would help our company, and especially the employees involved, a lot.

Thank you.

PS Anyone else has some tips about FM's and/or BAPI's concerning this matter?

0 Kudos

Hi Guy, Richard,

Not sure if you got change to look into [this|;. Check Alain's reply.

Hope it answers your question!



0 Kudos

Hi Mr. Phadake,

At first sight it seems to be a very big help! Thanks very much for the usefull tip!

Anyone else got some more tips?

Kind regards.

Former Member
0 Kudos


the bapi_vendor_create is an online bapi it cannot be used from non sap ,

if u want to create a vendor then u cna create a RFC and in it u can write a BDC program to create the vendor in back groudn mode

hope it wil be helpful to you



0 Kudos

Indeed BAPI_VENDOR_CREATE is not useable in our case.

We want to make it as transparant as possible... I mean.... No external excel and no LSMW's, ... Just a plain RFC function (or multiple functions) to upload the data.

Any other ideas or tips? (_)

Former Member
0 Kudos

You try this standard batch input program RFBIKR00, you need to pass the input data in the form of file. you can get info from this program documentation.



0 Kudos

Thanks, but we're avoiding the use of external files for input.

Maybe the code of RFBIKR00 can be of any use for creating our own FM.

So, thank you anyway.

Any other tips?

0 Kudos

We've tested the use of FM "VENDOR_INSERT".

It seems the vendor has been created in the Oracle database (included the address data like STRAS, ORT01, PSTLZ, ...), yet... when we look up the vendor using "XK03" and want to view the address data, we receive message "Address doesn't exist [Message no. AM 010]".

PS: Field ADRNR seems to be empty in table LFA1.

Is this the problem?

How can we find out a correct number for field LFA1-ADRNR?

To which (manditory) table(s) do we need to link this field?


Anyone knows how to solve this?

Many thanks in advance.

Kind regards.

0 Kudos


See below, hope it helps!



0 Kudos

Thank you very much!

We had already found the following thread and tried the suggestions out.

It worked!

We've build some RFC functions, wrapped around the FM's




The only thing we need to find out now is how to upload the bank data of the vendor as well.

We're still busy on that issue.

Any suggestions on that would also be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards

0 Kudos


We've found a way to create the bank information by using BAPI BAPI_BANK_CREATE.

Now we have to find a function which create the link between the new vendor (LIFNR) and the bank key (BANKL).

The link apparently resides in table LFBK.

Anyone has some suggestions on how to update this LFBK through a FM?

Or is it better to quickly create a new function which updates LFBK?

Many thanks in advance.

Kind regards.