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creating an record for actions infotype

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi folks,

I have a task that I am working on to create an 'Return from LOA' record in the actions (0000) infotype for a wide group of employees. All the employee records have future action records for them which means that person went on Paid LOA sometime 02/01/05 and have retruned back with many future action records created for them till date. However due to some reason they have not created the Return from LOA record for them around that time period.

Now, it is required to create this new record and insert in between the time periods, it gets created using PA40 and perfroming the 'Return from LOA' action. however when I tried to record that process using BDC recording - the 'Save' action did not happen and hence the record did not get created.

Is there a different alternative? Can I use ' HR_READ_INFOTYPE, ENQUEUE, function modules here too? My question is how to do that?

Any thoughts or ideas will be helpful.




Former Member
0 Kudos


Use the fun module HR_INFOTYPE_OPERATION to create.



0 Kudos

Hi folks,

I have a question related to updating the image file on the sapscript form. I have a new image file .tiff file that I updated using RSTXLDMC for the required text element. when I did the testing, ran the sap script the new image file did not show up on the print out.

The new file is of the same size and resolution,

The file path I gave was from the local drive.

Am I missing somethin here?

Any thoughts would be really helpful.



0 Kudos

Plz disregard the previous reply tot he thread, it happened by mistake.



0 Kudos


I know that there is a FM for inserting the records to infotype, bu the question is the new record is getting inserted some where in the middle there are quite a few future records that have been created for the employees there after.

One of the ways I am thinking to do this, is I have the Return date for 'Return from LOA' which becomes the BEGDA for the new record.

However finding the enddate for this new record becaue I cannot make that as '12/31/9999' . It is a very tricky situation.

Do you guys have any thoughts regrading this?
