2011 Oct 28 10:29 AM
I'm implementing sap note 216150, after downloading the note when I try to implement it system
generates the following error:
Object REPS ZVADOR01 does not exist; create it
Message no. SCWN317
The SAP Note that you want to implement contains changes to an object that does not yet exist in your system.
SAP Notes contain only changes to objects that already exist. This means that the the system cannot automatically create new objects during the implementation of this SAP Note.
1. Cancel the SAP Note implementationl.
2. Create an empty object REPS ZVADOR01 with the corresponding object editor.
3. Restart the SAP Note implementation.
I don't know how can I create the object ZVADOR01
Best Regards
2011 Oct 28 10:35 AM
Hi ,
Goto SE38 and create executable program with name ZVADOR01.
If code is given by SAP then copy it to this program.
2011 Oct 28 10:31 AM
Either in your sap-note there is the coding for this report or in some sap-note which is related to your note.
Probably one of the earlier ones in the chain.
2011 Oct 28 10:35 AM
Hi ,
Goto SE38 and create executable program with name ZVADOR01.
If code is given by SAP then copy it to this program.