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Creating a new tab in standard program for VA03

0 Kudos

Hello everyone,

I have a requirement where I need to add an additional tab in the Item level of transaction VA03. For that I have a found a great blog, in the link:

But the blog did not explain everything, thus I have two questions regarding the screens.

In the last step of the blog, transaction VFBS->third radio button->change mode, in the tab control section there are two screens, one for the main screen 4012 and the new screen of the tab (8309).

1. Should the new screen (Screen Module 2: 8309) be created manually, thus in the program SAPMV45A->Create screen and the new screen number is the one that we are entering in this step, or is the screen created automatically with a number that we enter in there?

2. How is the connection done that in the Header-Subscreen we have the new Tab-Screen, is there any Calling Subscreen syntax that I need to use or is the connection done via the transaction VFBS?

Thank you all in advance!