2023 Apr 02 11:24 PM
I'm Trying to create multiple assets using BAPI BAPI_FIXEDASSET_CREATE1 like below
Loop at itab.
append it_log.
then i show all return results in alv and if there is no error i show button to post that runs BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT
but the problem is that it commits the only last asset not the all assets , so please help .
2023 Apr 03 7:38 AM
Check your program again, there's NO SURPRISE with commit and rollback. What you describe could happen ONLY if a rollback was done. Commit works on ALL preceding updates (since last commit/rollback).
2023 Apr 03 9:26 AM
I Checked Again , i'm sure that that there is no commit neither rollback , but i noticed by using tcode sm50 that all db updates are cleared after calling the log screen once it is appeared so it isn't supposed to post the last one also .
2023 Apr 03 1:24 PM
If you use the SQL trace, you will see that displaying a screen does an implicit database commit, it's why.
2023 Apr 03 9:52 AM
Not sure, but the dynpro, in the middle of BAPI executions, would trigger some implicit database commit that would break your list of BAPI call.
Could you