2014 Jun 27 4:15 AM
Hi all experts,
i want to do the enhancement in cor1 by passing batch number from the general data screen
To the material screen.
I am using user exit PPCO0007 to do the enhancement; however, i can't find the fields or table that store this value or pass this value to.
I believe PPCO0007 is using HEADER_IMP LIKE CAUFVD as structure to store data, but still i can't find the field that have the batch value.
Please help and guide me.
2014 Jun 27 5:16 AM
Hello Vong,
If BATCH is not available in the user exit PPCO0007 then you can use GET PARAMTER ID sytax in user exit to get the values of BATCH from general data screen.
GET PARAMETER ID 'PARAID of BATCH' value lv_batch.
2014 Jun 27 5:26 AM
2014 Jun 27 5:35 AM
Frankly, the parameter in cor1 batch of both general screen and material screen are the same.
Then how can i pass the value.
2014 Jun 27 5:42 AM
Hello Vong,
Use ASSIGN statement to get the value of BATCH from general tab.
Press F1 on batch from general tab to get screen filed name and program name,
Use below code in your user exit.
DATA: iv_value(20) VALUE '(PROGRAMNAME)screenfieldnameofbatch'.
FIELD-SYMBOLS: <f_charg> TYPE charg
ASSIGN lv_value TO <f_charg>.
2014 Jun 27 5:47 AM
The thing is i can only use Field with get parameter if i use VALUE like u mentioned, it get error.