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copying logical database from one server to another

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello All,

I have one logical database name as KDF in my test server which has become inconsistent due to some reason . In my live server tht logical database is consitent now what is the option to copy the same from my live server to test server .

If i copied will it work properly or is there any other solutions or options.




Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Suny,

First of all the SAP standard Logical database cannot become incosistent unless and until somebody has tried to manipulate it using an access key.

Secondly, if in case it has been done,then the only solution is to manually compare the LDB from the Production server and the Test server and change whatever you see is modified.

Since the LDB in the Test Server is disturbed,that means the same LDB in the Development server is also distrurbed.If this is not the case,then you can copy the SAP standard LDB into Z LDB in development and transport it to Test Server and then again copoy from the Z LDB to the SAP standard one in the Test Server.

You can copy it in SE80.

It is indeed an effort consuming task.

In case you have any further clarifications,do let me know.


Puneet Jhari.

0 Kudos

Thnks for the reply...

How is it possible to copy contents of zldb to standard ldb..??

I didnt got ur point.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Once you have copied the SAP standard LDB into Z LDB in the Development Server,and saved and activated it,transport it to Test Server and then again go to SE80 in the Test Server and copy back the Z LDB transported into SAP standard one and save and activate.

Then you can delete the Z LDB if you want.

Make sure that you copy all the includes mentioned in the LDB and do not rename anyhting else apart from the Include names as it might again disturb it.

In case you have any further clarifications,do let me know.


Puneet Jhari.

0 Kudos

Hello Puneet,

In my productin server im accesing following path to copy ldb pls tel me is it ryte?

se80> ldb name> write transport entry> its creating one request

now whether i need to transport this request to my devlpomnt server .

if i do so whether all the includes will be available in tht request or is there any otber procedure ??

pls let me knw



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Suny,

First of all, we cannot create a transport request in Prodcution server and then transport it to the Development Server.Else, it is the other way round,one can create a request in development,then transport it to Test and then to the Production server.

That is why I said that if the SAP standard LDB is disturbed in Development as well,then you will have to manually look in for the modifications between the Production and the Test Server,and change them in the developemt and then transport it to Test server and then Production.

Hence,the best solution is to manually check for the inconsistencies and modify in the development server and then transport.

The path for copying that you are following is correct anyways.

In case you have any further clarifications,do let me know.


Puneet Jhari.

Former Member
0 Kudos
