2006 May 05 4:36 AM
How to copy a standard function module?
Thnx in advance.
2006 May 05 4:40 AM
Hi Mohan,
First create Function group ,
in se37 , goto>function group>create group
givu standard FM name in the text box, and in toolbar click copy , then give new FM name and created function group
2006 May 05 4:41 AM
Hi Mohankumar,
Go to SE37and type the FM you want then ctrl+f5 or click the right button on your mouse and choose copy and the type the name what you want and choose the function group.
Ferry Lianto
Please reward point if helpful.
2006 May 05 4:42 AM
Create a new funciton group and then use the COPY button on the SE37 screen to copy the function into a new function group. However, you might have to manually the subroutines that might be called and exist in other includes.
Note : Please mark the helpful answers
2006 May 05 4:42 AM
Hey Mohan,
1. go to t-code SE37.
2. write the std fm name.
3. <b>Press Ctrl + F5 ( short cut for copy).</b> There is iconalso on the toolbar ,below where it is written Function Builder : Initial Screen 3rd to the left of Reassign . You can click on that also.
4. Write the target fm name .
5. Click continue.
6. Your fm is copied.
Hey there is an alternative.
<b>you go to SE80 . write the function group PS05 . Copy it to a new function group say, zps05 .
After you copy, you can copy the std fms. While copying the std fm say , PROJECT_LINE_ITEM , give a new name say .zPROJECT_LINE_ITEM . Then only copy . And once you copy the required fms , you can activate the same.
Do it once again. I have just done this successfully.
Message was edited by: Kunal Kumar
Message was edited by: Kunal Kumar
Message was edited by: Kunal Kumar
2006 May 05 4:49 AM
Hi Guys,
I tried this already for the function module PS05_PROJECT_LINE_ITEM. When I try to activate it am getting an error in some standard prog....
can u try it out and gimme suggestions..
That wld be helpful for me.
2006 May 05 4:59 AM
or else in SE80 , in the text box give the function group name and give PS05
try to copy ur FM PS05_PROJECT_LINE_ITEM by right click -->copy
2006 May 05 5:02 AM
the ideal way is to goto se80
open the function group
CLICK on the function group.
right-click and select COPY !
In this way, it will copy
all includes, top files, all functional modules .
A new window will come
there u have to specify the NEW name
of the related function module,
for all fms.
2006 May 05 4:54 AM
Hi Mohan,
Use SE80 and copy the function group.
This will copy the group and all the includes.
It will also ask you which function modules you want to copy and what you want the new name to be.
Hope this will help.
Ferry Lianto
2006 May 05 5:06 AM
2006 May 05 5:13 AM
Hi mohankumar,
I tried the same here, and its copy perfectly fine.
2. goto se80
3. open function group ps05
4. Right-click on it and select copy.
5. Enter the new function group as ZPS05.
6. Then it display all the 5 function module
and ask to copy them to new name.
7. Prefix Z to all Fms.
8. click ok, and then it creates everything.
9. Activate the function group.
10. Thats all !
amit m.