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Copy values from a column to another column with condition same internal table.

0 Kudos

Dear people,

I need a helping hand for this requirement.

I need to add a new column to an internal table, where I need to place the finished good (material code) for the first column which is matnr. Let's say I have an internal table with two columns like this:

I need to add the 3rd column to it that has to contain the finished good (material codes with .100) for all the BOMs in my list. The final table should look like this. How do I do this? The level 0 is the first Material in the BOM structure.

I need to have on the right hand side the finished good material code for every component in the left hand side.

Thank you!


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

As you don't provide much detail about the solutions you have investigated, just giving the global requirement, I guess you are asking how to get the finished good(s) via the BOM via direct SQL access or BAPI or whatever, and you are asking also how to fill the 3rd column in ABAP.

The forum contains lots of questions and answers so you should at least look at them and have clues about how to do it. Please refine your question to what you didn't understand from all these answers.