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Copy status from one program to another, 'copying statuses is restricted in modification mode' error

0 Kudos

I'm trying to copy a gui status from one program to another. I keep getting this error message preventing me from proceeding. 'Copying statuses is restricted in modification mode.'

I've turned off modification assistant in the edit status screen, in the parent program, in the target program. I've made sure everything was activated. I've tried copying through se80 and through se41. The same error message every time.

I don't want to manually recreate the status, it is too detailed and would be tedious to do so. Other posts have not been able to help me.

Any insight would be appreciated, thanks.


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Do you copy status of standard program ? to another standard program ?

because I just done it, and it works perfectly with $TMP

Active Participant
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did you check sap note 550180?

0 Kudos

It is a status of a custom program to another custom program.

I have seen that note. It doesn't seem to have any code changes unless I'm missing something?

it provides two indirect solutions, I have tried both with no success.

Indirect solution

The following two paths are possible.

  • Menu Painter SE 41
  • Call transaction SE41.
  • In the initial screen, enter the program name <target_interface>, subobject "Status list" or "Interface objects" and select "Change".
  • If "Interface objects" was selected: Position the cursors on subtree "Status" set up and select the pushbutton function "Copy subobject".
    If "Status list" was selected: Immediately select the pushbutton function "Copy Status" (Ctrl+F6).
  • In the "Copy status" dialog box which now appears, populate the four input fields with the values <interface_source>, <status_source>, <interface_target> and <status_target> in this order and select "Copy".
  • Object Navigator SE80
  • Call SE80 for the program that the CUA interface belongs to <interface_target>.
  • Click in the navigation tree of an existing GUI status and go to the processing via the context menu function "Change".
  • Select the menu option Goto->Interface objects or the menu option Goto->Object list->Select status list
  • If "Interface objects" was selected: Position the cursor on the "Status" subtree and select the pushbutton function "Copy subobject" (Ctrl+F6).
    If "Status list" was selected: Immediately select the pushbutton function "Copy status" (Ctrl+F6).
  • In the "Copy status" dialog box which now appears, populate the four input fields with the values <interface_source>, <status_source>, <interface_target> and <status_target> in this order and select "Copy".

Active Contributor

"modification mode" means that your program has a different source system, so there are special tools to edit the program. You may change the source system by going to SM30, table TADIR, find your program, change its "object directory entry" and change the source system to the current one. Retry the whole operation. After that you may restore the old source system with the same operation (to avoid collateral problems if the the program exists in a modifiable transport request).

0 Kudos

Thanks Sandra, I got around this issue temporarily by just copying the target status to the same program so I can edit and use it and continue with my development. But I will follow your instructions before finishing up this work.

Thank you!