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Copy SO line with reference to another line (BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE)


Hello experts,

I am trying to create a copy of sales order line with reference to another line through BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE (accessing remotely in another system).

ex. SO 12345 has 2 lines, 12345-5 (ship to 2222), 12345-10 (ship to 3333)
I want to create a 3rd line 12345-15 that has all the attributes from line 10

I am passing these 3 parameters in ORDER_ITEM_IN structure-
REF_DOC = “0000012345”
REF_DOC_IT = “000010”

All corresponding attributes are marked “X” in ORDER_ITEM_INX table except UPDATEFLAG = “I”

The sales doc line 10 is getting referenced, but not all attributes like Blocks, Ship to Party (2222) and line texts are not getting copied. Is there any field that I am missing to set?

How can I achieve this? I want to copy all attributes of line 10 to newly created line 15.

Please advise