2023 May 11 10:47 AM
To all,
Someone can tell me how to setup abap Editor for have line number and Color available when I created a program.
I had it at the begining , but I suppose that I changed something but I don't know what !!
I used GUI 7.7 & 7.8
2023 May 11 3:14 PM
Hi regis1972,
you can find a yellow button on the right end (in the same line of number of line/column) of the editor (in SE38 transaction). In the first branch of the menu you can set the width and other settings of the page editor.
Kind regards
2023 May 12 1:13 PM
2023 May 12 1:31 PM
Hi Regis,
you can find this button on the last part of the editor on the right (the print is below).