2010 Nov 24 10:19 AM
Dear all
I am stuck into some strage situation.. I want to work with Context menu on classical lists.
I m referring to the demo progrm 'DEMO_LIST_CONTEXT_MENU' where PF status BASIC is used ....But when i create my own PF status based on 'BASIC'.....the context menu is not working in my Z program...I compared both Z pf status and std PF status...but i dont find any difference still it is working fine with the std SAP pgm but not with my Z pgm....
Am i missing anything can anyone suggest anything..?
just FYI ...I have assigned '%CTX' to SHIFT-F10 in my Z pf status..
Please help
2010 Nov 24 12:42 PM
Did you correctly assign %CTX :
* Start transaction SE41
o Program: Zxxxx
o Status: Zxxx
Hit F6 (Change)
Expand 'Function Keys' line (Hit '+')
In 'Reserved function keys' box, select first column (function code cell) of line 'Shift-F10'
Hit Ctrl+F9 (Delete Entry)
Hit Enter (Continue) in the popup 'Change F Key Setting Used Several Times'
Enter the value below
o First column: %CTX
o Second column: Context menu
Hit Ctrl+F3 (Activate)
2010 Nov 24 12:42 PM
Did you correctly assign %CTX :
* Start transaction SE41
o Program: Zxxxx
o Status: Zxxx
Hit F6 (Change)
Expand 'Function Keys' line (Hit '+')
In 'Reserved function keys' box, select first column (function code cell) of line 'Shift-F10'
Hit Ctrl+F9 (Delete Entry)
Hit Enter (Continue) in the popup 'Change F Key Setting Used Several Times'
Enter the value below
o First column: %CTX
o Second column: Context menu
Hit Ctrl+F3 (Activate)
2010 Nov 29 11:08 AM
Hello Raymond
I didnot create the functional code like the way you said..But i went through options in Goto -> Attributes --> F Key settings
But i realised it was not created properly and i could see the code %CTX in RED ..there was some in wanted character got
inserted...When i deleted it and manually entered ..It worked fine..
Thanks anyways .