2023 Oct 03 12:21 PM
Hi All can anybody helpme out from that how resolve these 15 errors as 0?
2023 Oct 03 12:42 PM
Basically if a text string is to be translated, define it as text symbol
(Obsolete and Dirty way, use #EC NOTEXT)
2023 Oct 03 1:21 PM
Indeed pseudo comments are obsolete https://help.sap.com/doc/abapdocu_750_index_htm/7.50/en-US/abenpseudo_comment_slin.htm
However pragmas like ##no_text are not https://help.sap.com/doc/abapdocu_750_index_htm/7.50/en-US/abenpragma.htm
So I would suggest to
I don't find ##no_test pragma a dirty trick if it is used as intended.
2023 Oct 03 4:17 PM
For latest version of documentation on Pragmas, but as stated in my initial response, define language-dependent texts as text symbols.
2023 Oct 03 6:15 PM
Nitpicking about the words (comment targeted to yasu_1096😞 agreed to use a text symbol "if a text string is to be translated", but also to use one if it's not to be translated but is a word or sentence in the "program source language", e.g. "Finished" is a word in the English language so text symbol is required, but the job status "R" (technical code for released) or "SAP" (company name) are not to be translated so no text symbols.
2023 Oct 03 6:01 PM