2007 Jul 11 1:39 PM
Hi Frineds,
I have 2 Tables in a Data model BUS2078 Quality Order.
In transaction QM01 I can call the Partner.
From QMEL to IHPA.
I can not find out the connecting Fields between them.
Thank You very much in Advance.
2007 Jul 11 2:16 PM
Go to se11, type the table name and type ctrlshiftf3.
Will popup to you a screen with the link utilizations of the table that you input.
Mark the table table that you want to see the link and press ctrl+f1, will popup to you now the link with the fields that you need.
If useful, please reward points.
2007 Jul 11 2:16 PM
Go to se11, type the table name and type ctrlshiftf3.
Will popup to you a screen with the link utilizations of the table that you input.
Mark the table table that you want to see the link and press ctrl+f1, will popup to you now the link with the fields that you need.
If useful, please reward points.