2006 Aug 04 2:16 AM
I always have these doubts in my mind when I work them. Please clear them.
1) what is the difference between include structure and append struvture in a table?
2) Can we attach a transcation to a table? if so how can we do that?
3) How to click a event when a cehck box is selected on the selection screen with out presseing enter?
4) What is the sequence of the event while a program is running. for example top of page trigger once the frist write statement in start of selection is occured.
5) Is the any specific use of get cursor when hide is there? ( i know what hide and get cursor does)
6) what is the advantage/difference in creating screen via executable program and via module pool?
7) what is differnce between on change and new? I guess both behaves the same way when ever there is change in any field on the left hand side on which the one change is used. these( on change/at new) trigger. correct?
2006 Aug 04 3:43 AM
1. they are similar but an append is used to add changes to a sap standard structure or table.
3. use the 'user-command' addition to associate a checkbox or group of radiobuttons to a particular user command. Then in at-selection screen you can test for this value to see if it's been clicked.
6. using an executable program is faster to develop and is suitable if you don't need a custom built first screen. i.e. if a selection screen is ok. If it's not suitable you have to build your own and use a transaction.
7. on change and at new are similar as you say. On change is really intended for within 'select..endselects'. You should use at new in 'loops'.
2006 Aug 04 5:19 AM
Transaction for a table can be created, which would enable you to go to the SM30 screen.
To create the transaction, goto SE93, select the Start Object as transaction with Parameters and give the Transaction as SM30 and select Skip first screen.
In the default values, give the VIEWNAME as <TableName>
and UPDATE 'X'.
4. The sequence of events very much depends on the ones delcared in the program, with START-OF-SELECTION being a default. In case all are used, the sequence would be.. (from load of program) -> Initialization .. At selection screen output..<Sel. Screen Processor> at selection screen.. start of selection..<List Processor> end of selection ..( top of page during the first list output statement and end of page )..<List Output>..followed by the at user command and the at line selection events.
5. Get cursor has more uses than the hide area. After a user event, it can be used to fetch the field name on which the event (ex. F2) has happened, the offset, the value of the field. These options can be used during the at line selection for specific call transactions.