2007 Mar 01 3:45 PM
I would like to configure LDAP (Active Directory) with mySAP ERP 2005 (ECC 6.0).
My problem is how to know which is the correct value for the entry "Base entry". Where I can find this information ?
Thank's in advanced
Francesc Segura
2007 Mar 01 5:26 PM
Hi Francesc Segura,
you will find all users in the Active Directory if you use the root entry of the DIT (Directory Information Tree) as your root entry.
You can either use a tool like ADSI Edit.
<a href="http://technet2.microsoft.com/WindowsServer/en/library/ebca3324-5427-471a-bc19-9aa1decd3d401033.mspx?mfr=true">ADSI Edit Overview</a>
or you can use a simple Visual Basic script that I just posted.
How to get the 'Base entry' for an LDAP connector from Active Directory?
You will also find information about SAP Microsoft Interoperability in the .NET Interop section of SDN
Best regards,
2007 Nov 26 7:38 PM
Hi Andre,
I have tried to executing the VBScript that you suggested to get the Base Entry.
However, it is giving me an error:
Expected ')' at line 1, char 32.