2006 Mar 14 9:38 AM
Hi All!
I am trigerring a custom print program which will in turn call a custom smartform.This is for label printing through VL02N.I had done all the config in the NACE i.e. smartform name ,print program name and the subroutine name. when i execute the delivery note no. and browse through the Handling unit and output type and save the delivery order after giving all the required parameters for the print,
I am not getting any output .
I tried putting breakpoint on the first line of my print program and to my surprise my print program is not called.
Can anybody explain me if I did anything wrong.
Praneeth Kumar
2006 Mar 14 10:11 AM
U hv to select application(like SO)
then goto->output type
then select output type eg. NEU (u have to create before use)
then click on processing routine
u have to specify Medium
short text
program (form tringgering program)
Form routine
form (name of SAPSCRIPT form)
smart form(name of smart form)
2006 Mar 14 9:40 AM
Go in VL03N, menu Delivery -> Display message
what appens ? do you have message ?
if no, you have to define message in VL02N ..
2006 Mar 14 9:41 AM
Hi Praneeth,
Probably you have set the output type to print immediately, which means it will be printed in update task. Although you can debug in Update task as well this is a bit complicated. There is a easier solution: Set your output type to be printed with own transaction so a records gets created in table NAST. Then use transaction VL71 to print your label. Then it will stop at your break-point.
2006 Mar 14 9:42 AM
2006 Mar 14 10:11 AM
U hv to select application(like SO)
then goto->output type
then select output type eg. NEU (u have to create before use)
then click on processing routine
u have to specify Medium
short text
program (form tringgering program)
Form routine
form (name of SAPSCRIPT form)
smart form(name of smart form)
2006 Mar 14 10:12 AM
Hi Praneeth,
Go to the output screen of vl02n transaction and select your output type. Press further options button and select the dispatch time as Send periodically with background job.
then save the transaction.
Now, go to se38 and run the report, rsnast00.
GIve the object number as the Handling unit number or the delivery number based on your requirement.
Run the report.
YOu should keep a break point in your print program code before your run this report RSNAST00.
If you do not wantto debug and want only to see if your custom print program is working or not, then give the dispatch time option as "send immediately".
If you configure your output and you don't get a output, then you should see the status of that output by going into the output screen and see if the traffic lights signal is indeed yellow/red or green.
2006 Mar 14 10:46 AM
Hi All!
I had executed all the suggestions made by you all.
Even then my print program is not called.Test data is available.If i execute through rsnast00 i am gettng an message saying '0 outputs were processed in total (0 successfully,0 incorrectly.
But my print program is not called when i place a break point on the first line.
2006 Mar 14 6:00 PM
Hi Praneeth,
Put a break point at
PERFORM (TNAPR-RONAM) IN PROGRAM (TNAPR-PGNAM) USING ...in the prog rsnast00 at line number 875 and see what is the value of the (TNAPR-RONAM) and (TNAPR-PGNAM).
2006 Mar 15 7:32 AM
Hi Ravi!
My program is stopping at line 231 giving the message 0 output .Its not reaching the line 875.
What can be the reason.