2012 Jan 17 5:16 AM
Dear Experts,
I want to capture the data of tax conditions and print the same on the P.O. print. Please tell me in which tables the data of Purchase Order taxes like Excise duties, Vat, Cst, Service tax, Lst, are maintained.
2012 Jan 17 5:19 AM
You will have to get it from structure KOMP/H, KONP/H.
2012 Jan 17 5:25 AM
try following table
KONV, condition type
KONP-rate for condition type
check following link also
Kailas Ugale
2012 Jan 17 6:56 AM
Try to use following function modules.
Pass company code, tax code , currency and amount on which to be calculated
It will return you percentage and value KBETR and KAWRT with condition type KSCHL.
This can be used to find what is excise value or vat what ever applicable in that tax code.
Yes you will have to write a logic if condition type is say JMOP then that is excise and read the value.
Hope this helps
2012 Jan 17 7:18 AM
Hi, Use
KOND - Conditions (Data)
KONV - Conditions (Transaction Data)
KONP - Conditions (Item)
KOMP - Pricing Communication Item
2012 Jan 17 9:36 AM
for excise check table J_1IEXCHDR for header
J_1IEXCDTL for item excise
The Table name used to find the Tax Values are
KOMV: Pricing Communications-Condition Record
KONV: Conditions (Transaction Data)
From the above tables you can refer the fields below.
Fetch the corresponding records based on the field
refer following
2012 Jan 25 12:05 PM
Dear Aditya,
There is no table that store PO tax amount you have to use function module to achieve that
There are many table that store the tax rate that you created in FV13 (like A363 etc)
but in PO the tax amount not get stored in any table
You can use function module CALCULATE_TAX_ITEM
Also you can refer this link
2015 Apr 26 9:17 AM
Steps to be followed.
1.Open PO in EKPO And get net amount and get tax code MWSKZ .
2. Execute function module CALCULATE_TAX_FROM_NET_AMOUNT.
3.Pass Company code , Tax code , currency and amount in I_BUKRS / I_MWSKZ / I_WAERS / I_WRBTR respectively.
4. You will get the data in T_MWDAT.
Pankaj Jindal