2012 Nov 20 7:24 AM
Hi All,
In my input screen I have two fields time1 and time2 where the condition is time1 should always be less than time2. if I enter 50 and 30 then I need to display message in status bar as "50 greater than 30". I need to display the values in the message. How to capture the values into message? Do I need to use concatenate statement? Please help.
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2012 Nov 20 9:40 AM
Hi Venkata B,
You can do some R&D and can post questions. Anyway I will give the answer below.
IF time1 > time2.
CONCATENATE time1 'is greater than' time2 INTO lv_message SEPARATED BY SPACE.
MESSAGE lv_message TYPE 'E'.
Hope this will help you.
Dineshwar Singh Eswar.