2009 Feb 18 2:58 PM
Hi all,
i have an issue:
i have done a setting like When ever sales order is created, it will be published .
But now my requirement is in a day what are all the sales orders are created they have all to collected and at the end of the day the Total sales order details should be published into a text file, so that that flat file is to be used for other JAVA server.
conditions: we should use only standard function modules or standard BAPIs to retrieve the sales order data using time and date only.
this program should run in back ground.
i have an idea using IDOCS but not totally confirmed. With that like using collect we can put all the idocs in one place and publish them when we need and so on.
If any one does this or any idea please share.
Thanks in advance.
Prakash .S
2009 Feb 18 4:40 PM
If you would like to go through the sales order selection router, use BAPI_SALESORDER_GETLIST
If IDOC route then use WE09 transaction (Program RSEIDOC9), you can provide the date and time created and use the option, "Criteria for search in Data records", please provide the sales order message type, IDOC type to select the list of sales orders created through IDOC processing.