2007 Jul 11 10:33 AM
hi experts,
i want code for push buttons 'selectall ' and 'deselect all' for tablecontrol
in modulepool program. when i select all push button entire records of table control should be selected and when i again press display button those records shoild be in display mode. when i deselect they should be in they should be in normal mode
2007 Jul 11 11:30 AM
Goto the layout of Table COntrol & open its attributes.
Tick the checkbox W/Selcolumn & mention values as CHECK in the ip/op box.
Activate it.
In the PAI, Handle OKCODE of select all & deselect all.
For select all.
Loop at tc.
tc-check = 'X'.
modify tc.
For deselect all.
loop at tc.
tc-check = ' '.
modify tc.
Best regards,