2010 Jan 04 4:06 AM
Hello Experts,
I was just going through the standard program of the Tcode MB51 - Material document list ie RM07DOCS.
I just found the following need some explanation on the same.
selection-screen begin of block disp with frame title text-003.
parameters: alv_def like disvariant-variant.
enhancement-point rm07docs_03 spots es_rm07docs static.
*$*$-Start: RM07DOCS_03-------------------------------------------------------------------------$*$*
enhancement 2 /cwm/appl_mm_rm07docs. "active version
include /cwm/rm07docs_parameter. "CWM CWEK002560 AP
*$*$-End: RM07DOCS_03-------------------------------------------------------------------------$*$*
selection-screen end of block disp.
Does this means that the following selection screen can be enhanced using these enhancemet points and spots
if yes how do I implement the enhancement spot es_rm07docs.
Ranjith Nambiar
2010 Jan 04 4:50 AM
Hi ,
This enhancement point is already active , view the comment.
You need to add your selection screen options in the include /cwm/rm07docs_parameter that is created for this.
Double click and add you parameters here.
Hope this helps you.
2010 Jan 04 5:29 AM
Thanks for the reply harsh.
Is this the way to enhance using enhancement spots.
whar if there are no includes given how do we use the spots given by SAP.
Thanks and Regards,
Ranjith Nambiar
2010 Jan 05 3:16 AM
Hi Ranjith ,
You need to use Enhance or Shift + F4 to find enhancements in program.
After this you can do a right click on enhancement spot to create a enhancement or you can also use EDIT table --> Enhancement operations --> Create Option.
When you create and double click on the enhancement , then you will go in a new screen . From here , you can write code by pressing ABAP button on right hand side.
Please take some tutorial to understand better , also search SDN to know more.
Hope this resolves your issue.
2010 Jan 04 7:26 PM
Hi for the enhancement point rm07docs_03 we can create mutiple enhancement spots one such spot created is es_rm07docs .
enhancement-point rm07docs_03 spots es_rm07docs static.
spot is already implemented...
you can create such spots for enhancement points.
You can place the cursor at enhancement point and right click and create implmentation for the enhacement point.
Satish Boguda
2010 Jan 05 3:28 AM