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Chinese fonts (SAPScript )to OTF not correctly converted to PDF

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Hi All,

We have program that processing output message type of PO(ME23n). The output is Email to some receiver. Print Po content attached as a PDF document in Mail send. All languages script is processing correctly and send a proper PDF attachment. When it comes to Chinese text or Chinese Forms are contents PDF attachments not correctly coming. Shows as junk characters.

The program does convert SAP SCRIPT PRINT contents, by the F.M call function 'ECP_PRINT_PO' ( Which is inputting the PO related contents to Print Stage) and followed by F.M call function 'READ_OTF_FROM_MEMORY' . Getting the OTF and attach to Email.


  • All other languages pdf are good while OTF to PDF attachments.
  • Chinese language processed preview is good . Using the same spool id .if we convert that to front pdf Via standard report 'RSTXPDFT4' Then the PDF junky.

Your inputs on this are appreciated.

Thank you ,

Pon Raja Sekharan.T.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

It has been discussed a lot in the forum and also in SAP notes. Not specific to Chinese. Try forum/SAP solutions.

0 Kudos

Hi all ,

The correction for this issue in the PDF format is as follows .We raised the Query to SAP got below reply .

  • The character set of this device type SAPWIN does not support the Chinese characters so they displayed as # in the PDF .
  • One solution is to set the parameters below via report RSTXPDF3 .and changes to UPE_FONTS_CASC = ON ,USE_CASCADING = ON.
  • snotes 1738670 , 1704919 , With these settings the Unicode PDF conversion should be used even if the device type is non-unicode .

Solutions worked for us

(report RSTXPDF3 .and changes to UPE_FONTS_CASC = ON ,USE_CASCADING = ON.)

Thank you .

Pon Raja Sekharan . T