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Check if the UnitPrice field is 0,01

0 Kudos

Check if the UnitPrice field is 0,01, this is because the check that the net price shouldnu2019t be empty can be overrun with entering a dummy value of 0,01.

Net Price should always be entered correctly on the Purchase Order which should not be equal to 0,01?

Please let me know ur anss?

Thank you.

Best Regards,



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Nagendra,

You can try out the BADI ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST ,in the interface PROCESS_ITEM

for your requiremnet.



Former Member
0 Kudos

hmmm i would think twice befor implementing such a logic.

1. Users are not silly, if 0,01 wont work, next they try is 0,02 or 0,1 or such. then you had to implement a solution for this as well.

2. What happens if you by occasion have an article whichs unit price for a certain unit is 0,01? then you wont have a possibility to order it, since you are forbidding to save the order.

3. You can NOT avoid ALL the errors/cheats users do. Users are responsible for their System, and if they input ****, they gotta live with it that the output will be **** as well.