2009 Jul 30 12:16 PM
Hello there!
I need to change the value of a price condition in a sale order ;I'm using the f.m. SD_SALESDOCUMENT_CHANGE.
It doesnt' work as I want, 'cause it creates an other price conditions instead of just changing the price value of the actual one.
Waiting for your tips,
This is how my code looks like:
PARAMETER: p_vbeln LIKE vbak-vbeln.
data: st_order_header_inx TYPE bapisdhd1x,
st_conditions LIKE bapicond,
st_conditionsx LIKE bapicondx,
tb_conditions TYPE TABLE OF bapicond,
tb_conditionsx TYPE TABLE OF bapicondx,
tb_return TYPE TABLE OF bapiret2.
st_order_header_inx-updateflag = 'U'.
st_conditions-itm_number = '0010'.
st_conditions-cond_type = 'PR00'.
st_conditions-cond_updat = 'X'.
st_conditions-cond_value = '100'. "Value I want to enter
APPEND st_conditions TO tb_conditions.
st_conditionsx-itm_number = '0010'.
st_conditionsx-cond_type = 'PR00'.
st_conditionsx-updateflag = 'U'.
st_conditionsx-cond_value = 'X'.
APPEND ls_conditionsx TO tb_conditionsx.
salesdocument = p_vbeln
order_header_inx = st_order_header_inx
return = tb_return
conditions_in = tb_conditions
conditions_inx = tb_conditionsx .
2009 Jul 30 12:25 PM
Make sure all these things.
1. Minimum entry:
You must enter the order number in the SALESDOCUMENT structure.
You must always enter key fields for changes.
You must always specify the update indicator in the ORDER_HEADER_INX.
2. Commit control:
The BAPI does not run a database Commit, which means that the application must trigger the Commit so that the changes are read to the database. To do this, use the BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT BAPI.
2009 Jul 30 2:02 PM
> 1. Minimum entry:
> You must enter the order number in the SALESDOCUMENT structure.
> You must always enter key fields for changes.
> You must always specify the update indicator in the ORDER_HEADER_INX.
It's all filled as you can see in the example code...
> 2. Commit control:
> The BAPI does not run a database Commit, which means that the application must trigger the Commit so that the changes are read to the database. To do this, use the BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT BAPI.
I forgot it in the example, but i got it in my code...
It sill doesn't work as I want...
2009 Jul 30 12:30 PM
Try like below
st_order_header_inx-updateflag = 'X'.
st_conditions-itm_number = '0010'.
st_conditions-cond_type = 'PR00'.
st_conditions-cond_updat = 'U'.
st_conditions-cond_value = '100'. "Value I want to enter
APPEND st_conditions TO tb_conditions.
st_conditionsx-itm_number = 'X'.
st_conditionsx-cond_type = 'X'.
st_conditionsx-updateflag = 'X'.
st_conditionsx-cond_value = 'X'.
APPEND ls_conditionsx TO tb_conditionsx.
2009 Jul 30 2:03 PM
> st_conditionsx-itm_number = 'X'.
> st_conditionsx-cond_type = 'X'.
> st_conditionsx-updateflag = 'X'.
> st_conditionsx-cond_value = 'X'.
> APPEND ls_conditionsx TO tb_conditionsx.
This doesn't work..
2009 Sep 05 7:35 AM
Get the conditions records first from the Sales Order with BAPI BAPISDORDER_GETDETAILEDLIST
i_bapi_view = lw_bapi_view
sales_documents = lt_order
order_conditions_out = lt_conditions_out.
Then populate the conditions internal table with the data that you get from the previous code
move-corresponding lw_conditions_out to lw_order_conditions_in.
lw_order_conditions_in-cond_value = '100' " the value that you want to modify
APPEND lw_order_conditions_in TO lt_order_conditions_in.
CLEAR lw_order_conditions_inx.
lw_order_conditions_inx-itm_number = lv_kposn.
lw_order_conditions_inx-cond_st_no = lw_conditions_out-cond_st_no.
lw_order_conditions_inx-cond_count = lw_conditions_out-cond_count.
lw_order_conditions_inx-cond_type = lw_conditions_out-cond_type.
lw_order_conditions_inx-updateflag = 'U'.
lw_order_conditions_inx-cond_value = lc_x.
APPEND lw_order_conditions_inx TO lt_order_conditions_inx.
You didn't populate the fields cond_st_no and -cond_count. Then just call BAPI SD_SALESDOCUMENT_CHANGE to change the Sales order.
Hope that helps.
2009 Sep 24 8:43 PM
I am trying to do the same thing. I tried following Erwin's advise and called BAPISDORDER_GETDETAILEDLIST to populate the conditions first but it still wasn't updating the price. The FM was finishing saying it was updated, but when I looked at the contract, it wasn't. I added a commit work after the SD_SALESDOCUMENT_CHANGE and then the price got updated. Hopefully this helps.
2009 Sep 29 10:05 AM
the Bapi does not really support the change of condtions. Just have a look to the notes 188972 and 357433.