2009 Feb 23 7:20 PM
Hi all,
We are using change pointers for some messages(BATMAS,MATMAS,etc) in a customer.
Everything was working fine. For every change, the change pointer was generated ok.
From a week a go, we are having the following issue:
When something is changed, for example some Material, the change pointer is not showed in tables BDCP* even an hour later.
- Material Modified at 10:05 am.
- If you check BDCP* at 10:10am, 10:30am, 11am the change pointer is not there (using the correct filters for creation time - CRETIME >= 20090223100000 AND CRETIME <= 20090223110000).
- If you check BDCP* at 11:30 am, using the the same filters the change pointes appears, and with the correct creationtime (10:05am).
Any ideas why this can be happening or which configuration we can check?
Thanks in advance.
2009 Feb 23 7:34 PM
Hi ,
Check background job that you schedule for change pointer. and change its scheduling.
2009 Feb 23 8:04 PM
Hi Amit,
We don't have any background job for writting change pointers. It's all standard.
We are not using idocs, we just read the change pointers with FM CHANGE_POINTERS_READ.
2009 Feb 25 11:09 AM
u can ask u basis person may be some times load onthe server also depends ..
' linganna