2010 Oct 06 10:38 AM
Change pointers trigger IDOCs. My question is how do we get which IDOC is triggered for a particular CPIDENT?
I have CPIDENT values with me. I just need to trace which IDOCs were created for that CPIDENT.
How do i get this?
Do i need to have some more information also to trace IDOCs?
2010 Oct 06 12:32 PM
transactions WE02/WE05 can be used to display IDOC, including contents of individual segments, by expanding the levels.
2010 Oct 06 1:29 PM
Hi Snehal,
The CPIDENT u have go with it in table BDCPS u will get the message type against that CPIDENT .
The IDocs corresponding to these message type will be triggered (if all the settings for change pointers are done).
if those IDocs are triggered the last COLUMN in BDCPS i ,e PROCESS will be 'X' in front of that message type.
for example
0000000505 WP_PLU X
0000000505 COND_A
This says that the IDOC for message type WP_PLU is processed and for COND_A is not yet processed.
Thanks ,
2010 Oct 06 4:34 PM
Yes Gaurav
From its message type and Process , i can get the particular data has been processed but i m not able to get which is the IDOC in we05 for that message type.
How can i get which is that IDOC containing data for that particular CPIDENT?
2010 Oct 07 9:20 AM
hi snehal,
From WE09 u can get IDOC as per the Data.
if suppose u want to find MATNR 0000000000919999
then u can get the IDOC's containing this matnr from WE09.
try it out.
revert for further queries.
2010 Oct 07 12:15 PM