2009 Aug 11 11:43 AM
Hi experts,
I´m looking for change ekko-zterm field (Payment terms) in ME21N/ME22N Transaction that appears with default data. I want to show this field empty and that the user write manually (or F4).
At the moment I change the field in EXIT_SAPMM06E_012 using FM, but this exit only works when 'SAVE' or 'MECHECKDOC', but i want change this field before.
I try to put those FM in other exits (EXIT_SAPMM06E_006, EXIT_SAPMM06E_007) , but the program go to an infinite Loop.
Anybody can help me?. Thank you.
2009 Aug 12 9:48 AM
Hi ,
You can try this with BADI.
WDFR_BADIcan for this.If it is not wrking you need to go for Business transaction event
2009 Aug 12 12:09 PM
I was seeing this badi and i don´t find payment terms nowhere.
2009 Aug 12 11:26 AM
Try with this BAdi ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST.
2009 Aug 12 12:01 PM
I´m trying in IF_EX_ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST~PROCESS_HEADER, and clear zterm field clearing ls_mepoheader-zterm, it´s ok, but now my problem is when the user writes the field, the Badi clear it and i want that it only happen once time.
I´m trying with a variable export/import to memory id, but memory id ever appears empty. Do you know how can i save this variable or if there is a standard parameter that was marked when the user did the change?
2009 Aug 13 12:49 PM
Finally i found a solution to resolve my problem with export-import with a variable in IF_EX_ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST~INITIALIZE that run once time only.
Flag the variable and export.
After in IF_EX_ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST~PROCESS_HEADER import this variable and clear it.
But now i have a new problem, that the methods only run successfully in ME22N and not in ME21N.
Anybody knows the reason?
Thanks in advance.
2009 Aug 13 1:50 PM
Finally solved the problem. There was a mistake in my code.
2024 Mar 06 9:18 PM
hi I have the same problem, can you help me?
2024 Mar 11 2:52 PM
Former Member are usually no longuer active on the forum.
You can apply their solution, but don't use an export/import, better set an instance attribute of your implementing class so you only clear the field once.
2024 Mar 11 4:07 PM
I solved it, with an enhacement in include LMEPOF00 on form "mepo_header_fill_zterm".