2008 May 02 5:14 PM
Has anyone succeeded in using LSMW for Mass user id creation by Recording SU01?
Well Try this scenario and full 10 Points if you succeed. (Even If not for points pls try this scenario to help me pls, scenario is quite tricky)
Usecase for Recording:
Step1 :Go to Su01
step2: Give a existing user id (****)
step3: Click Copy(****)
Step4: Give the user id you want to create
Step5:Give Password & repeat of it
Step5: Click Save.
source fields: userid i want to create, and passwords (1&2)
Existing user id from which i want to copy will be constant.
2008 May 02 5:31 PM
2008 May 02 5:31 PM
2008 May 02 5:42 PM
YOu may want to use the function module: SUSR_USER_COPY instead of LSMW, if you know a little bit of ABAP.
Ravi Kanth Talagana
2008 May 02 11:48 PM
i will first try SCAT, if not might go for FM.
LSMW was the only tool i was very comfortable using..Its annoying that such a simple transaction cannot be performed using LSMW, because of BNAME field.
Thanks anyways.