2014 Feb 25 7:34 PM
Hi Friends,
Need some input in modifying the CAT2 related user exit/badis.
From the CAT2 transaction, when the part time contractors enter the time they select reasonable value on the clolumn A/A type from the F4 value help (example: they can select any reason like 0200- Illness, 0120-BLunch etc...while entering the time), here I need to restrict one of the value f4 value 0120-Lunch for employee who belongs to Personal Area U3 . Please can you suggest which user exit I need to check this logic. I have gone through the forums and i have found some CATS relevant user exits (CATS01......12) but I am sure which is the right one for this requirement.
2014 Feb 25 10:20 PM
You can try to enhance FM - CATS_F4_HELP_AWART using implicit enhancement.
2014 Feb 25 10:20 PM
You can try to enhance FM - CATS_F4_HELP_AWART using implicit enhancement.
2014 Feb 26 2:29 AM
Hi Sameer,
Thanks for the reply. Now I need to remove one value "820-Declared Holiday" from the F4 value help based on the employee Sub Group. Example: if employee is part of the Sub Group U6 , then I should show this 820-Declared Holiday value in F4 help, if not do not show this value in F4 help.
Where do I need to keep this logic in above mentioned FM, Please can you give me some details steps on implementing this piece.
Thanks again for the help.
2014 Feb 26 5:01 PM
Hello Krish,
In FM - CATS_F4_HELP_AWART, you are getting PERNR.
Use that PERNR to get employee details from PA001 table. In PA0001 table, You can find employee subgroup.
Based on subgroup value you can remove your F4 entry in FM - CATS_F4_HELP_AWART.
2014 Feb 26 6:30 PM
Hi Sameer,
Thanks for the reply. I did not see any user exit with in this FM to put my custom code. I think I can use EXIT_SAPLCATS_003, Here I will create ZInclude and put my custom code like calling the CATS_F4_HELP_AWART function and based on the pernr I will get the employee sub group and restrict the values. Please advice if this is not correct user exit.
2014 Feb 26 6:50 PM
2014 Feb 26 8:43 PM
Please can you help me with the details like where I need to call this FM? and how to filter out, some sample code would be great help.
2014 Feb 26 8:49 PM
How To Do Implicit Enhancement - ABAP Development - SCN Wiki
Please go through above link for implicit enhancement.