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CAT3 calls PR05

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I have a issue who has issue with CAT2 and CAT3. On running this transaction for a certain data entry profile and Personnel number a error gets thrown

"No authorization for Personnel Number XXXXXXX using profile PXXXXX on DXXXX

When I checked the SU53, I see that I need access to TCode PR05 for the object S_TCODE

Is it mandatory to have S_TCODE value PR05 for access to CAT2 or CAT3. I checked SE97 and found that PR05 is one of the called transactions from CAT2 and CAT3.

This does not happen for another profile and personnel number for the same user. However, When I copy the same user to another ID and run this Tcode, I dont get this error thrown at me for the same profile and personnel number.

While searching the forums for this issue, I found this ()

however I was not sure about the Authorization default part.





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I do not think that defaulting PE05 will solve your problem - or maybe I misread the question somehow. I understood, that you have this special problem with one personnel-number, but not with another - while the rest of the constellation is the same. So I would have you check whether P_PERNR is 'on' in tx. OOAC, if yes: do you really need it, if yes, study how it works and adapt your roles accordingly.

Please correct me, if I got that your question wrong.

Former Member
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Hi Ravi,

IN the data entry profile there is also an authorization group, So you need to check that as well. Also CAT2/CAT3 can call PR05 if the user is trying to book their expenses in the timesheets. It wont be called otherwise. If the user is just trying to enter time, I think the authorization group in the data entry profile should be checked.



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Look into the P_TRAVL, AUTHP object value on the role, "O" is for own personnel number only and "E" for all personnel numbers except own and "*" for all.

Edited by: John Navarro on Apr 14, 2010 10:31 PM - Added P_TRAVL

Former Member
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Hi Ravi,

we are experiencing the same problem with our customer, so I was wondering if you have some solution for this problem. Thanks.