2008 Aug 04 5:59 PM
I was more into Visual basic programming so the event name "Lost focus" !!
Basically i want to validate a field after the user enters a value in that and before he moves to the next field.
how to do that ? if the value entered is wrong I will display a message using MESSAGE IXXX(FF) with ".....".
whats the event to be captured and where ? how do i code it ?
2008 Aug 04 6:43 PM
If it is module Pool program then you can use the FIELD Fieldname module Modulename under PAI event.
in side the module you can raise the error message.
If it is report programming then you can use AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON <PARMETER>.
and raise the error message.
2008 Aug 04 6:43 PM
If it is module Pool program then you can use the FIELD Fieldname module Modulename under PAI event.
in side the module you can raise the error message.
If it is report programming then you can use AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON <PARMETER>.
and raise the error message.
2021 Sep 16 4:01 AM
FIELD Fieldname module Modulename under PAI event. Only works for ENTER key not to Lost Focus. Pls advise.