2012 Jan 20 9:55 PM
Can you please provide me FM or any method on how to cancel or reverse or delete Park document
2012 Jan 20 10:06 PM
2012 Jan 20 10:10 PM
Thanks Rob,
Thats my last option , Don't we have SAP standard function modules.
2012 Jan 21 12:08 AM
2012 Jan 21 5:30 AM
Please check with BAPI,for reverse to material document BAPI_GOODMVT_CANCEL.
2012 Jan 23 4:54 AM
You delete a parked document by the following steps.
1. From the Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable or General Ledger menu, choose
Document u2192 Parked documents u2192 Post/Delete.
2. If you know the document number, enter the company code, document number and fiscal
year and choose ENTER.
If you do not know the document number, or if you want to delete more than one
document, choose Document u2192 List. On the selection screen that follows, enter the
appropriate selection criteria. The system then generates a list containing the documents
that match this criteria.
3. Select the required document(s) and then choose Document u2192 Delete.
You cannot reuse the number of a document that was deleted.