2007 Jul 23 11:33 AM
Hello Friends,
I have written a program for INTERCATIVE REPORT .
When i click on the link it needs to call transcation MD4C.
I have written a BDC for calling the transaction and skipped first screen.Its working fine but the problem is that WHEN I TRY TO COME BACK TO MY REPORT OUTPUT USING(BACK OR EXIT OR CANCEL) BUTTONS THE CONTROL IS PASSING THRU THE FIRST SCREEN OF TRANSACTION MD4C and then its coming back to report output.
Now i dont need the first screen of the MD4C to be dispalyed when i use the BUTTONS.
That means i want to dirctly come to report output when i click (BACK OR EXIT OR CANCEL) BUTTONS.
Hope the problem is clear.
Is there any way?
Please do suggest me.
Thankx in advance,
2007 Jul 23 11:36 AM
yes u can for that u need to specify as
Call Transaction 'tcode' SKIP FIRST SCREEN.
2007 Jul 23 11:37 AM
try like this.
case sy-ucomm.
when 'back' exit' 'cancel'.
call screen sy-dynnr or 100 [ if u now the exact screen number].
Leave to screen 0 or screen 100.
if helpful reward some points.
with regards,
Suresh Aluri.
2007 Jul 23 11:38 AM
yes u can come back to the calling program without going to the initial screen.
u can skip the screen using call transaction AND SKIP FIRST SCREEN.
plz call the transaction using the sumbit and return statement.
reward points plz
2007 Jul 23 12:19 PM
Hello everybody,
Thanks a lot for the quick replies.
The problem i m facing comes after the call transaction statement gets executed.
when the statement gets executed i m able to skip first screen and goto the required screen in the transaction but WHEN I PRESS BACK BUTTON THERE it is showing the initial screen which i have skipped.I dont want this scrren to be dispalyed.When i press back it should directly take me to the report output from where i have come to this transaction.
Hope i m clear now?
Any suggestions.
2007 Jul 23 12:23 PM
The problem is when you are in the second screen of your transaction and when you click BACK or CANCEl you will goto PAI module of the second screen, there it might have been coded as LEAVE TO SCREEN <screen_number>.
So PBO of the first screen is called.
This will work if it would have been LEAVE TO SCREN 0 in which case you will go back to the previous screen which was displayed before you got the current screen.
2007 Oct 10 6:03 PM
Were you able to solve this issue, if yes, could you share it with the forum please?