2008 Mar 15 7:56 AM
It's urgent pl. Can we run any BAPI for example in foreground mode so that i can change the values
if i need.
Gratefull answers will be rewarded.
2008 Mar 15 9:45 AM
I don't think so, as the BAPIs have no user-interface. BAPIs normally store the data directly into the database tables (in opposition to e.g. a call transaction, or a batch input, where the "normal online transaction" will be processed). If you want to change some values before posting, you should create an own function module, sending a screen, where the user can change the values and afterwards calling the BAPI.
Best regards
2008 Mar 15 9:45 AM
I don't think so, as the BAPIs have no user-interface. BAPIs normally store the data directly into the database tables (in opposition to e.g. a call transaction, or a batch input, where the "normal online transaction" will be processed). If you want to change some values before posting, you should create an own function module, sending a screen, where the user can change the values and afterwards calling the BAPI.
Best regards
2008 Mar 15 2:09 PM
2011 May 15 9:34 AM