2006 Feb 23 4:00 PM
Hi All,
I have a requirement to attach two different Smartforms as two separate attachments on the same e-mail for external send. Combining the forms into one attachment will not solve the requirement.
Has anyone ever done this? Does anyone know how to?
Please be aware that I am quite new to Smartforms.
All suggestions appreciated.
Best Regards
2006 Feb 23 4:03 PM
Hi Robin,
you have to create spool, transform this spool into PDF, and use the function module : SO_OBJECT_SEND to send the mail.
2006 Feb 23 4:03 PM
Hi Robin,
you have to create spool, transform this spool into PDF, and use the function module : SO_OBJECT_SEND to send the mail.
2006 Feb 23 4:18 PM
Thanks for the response Frederic, but wouldn't that generate a single PDF attachment? We need each form in it's own attachment, but on one mail.
2006 Feb 24 12:44 PM
You could send multiple files with the function SO_SEND_OBJECT.
Look the internal table PACKING_LIST, each lines will be a file name.
The file will be store in the internal table ATT_COND.
I send you a little part of a code to send one file. I think you will understand how to play with this function.
move '/sap_interfaces/D27/pzr_00/data/test/logo100ans.jpeg'
to v_file.
open dataset v_file for input in binary mode.
read dataset v_file into v_buff length v_length.
v_total_length = v_length + v_total_length.
move v_buff+0(v_length) to fic_attach-line+0(v_length).
append fic_attach.
if sy-subrc ne space.
describe table fic_attach lines v_num.
describe field fic_attach-line length v_len.
move : 'Logo' to packing_list-objdes ,
'Logo' to packing_list-objnam ,
'1' to packing_list-body_start ,
'raw' to packing_list-objtp ,
'GIF' to packing_list-file_ext .
* packing_list-body_num = v_num - 1.
packing_list-body_num = v_num.
* packing_list-objlen = ( v_num - 1 ) * v_len.
packing_list-objlen = v_num * v_len.
* packing_list-objlen = v_total_length.
append packing_list.
* Send mail.
call function 'SO_OBJECT_SEND'
object_hd_change = object_hd_change
object_type = 'RAW'
owner = sy-uname
objcont = itab_html
objpara = objpara
receivers = receivers
packing_list = packing_list
att_cont = fic_attach
others = 01.
2006 Feb 24 1:44 AM
In our attempts to email smartforms we were unable to do much with the email interface on the smartforms, other than email a single form.
Our solution has been to call the smartform not as email but as otf.
We then convert the otf and to pdf and attach what we need to the message and send using SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1.
Search the forum for the fm or check the fm documentation for sample code.
2006 Feb 24 9:54 AM
Thanks for the ideas all.
I think you've confirmed my understanding that because the driver is the document we are in effect attaching the e-mail to the document, and cannot therefore attach further documents to the same mail.
Unless someone else knows different...............