2023 Sep 15 11:35 AM
How to enable OPEN QTY & GR QTY if OPEN QTY > 0.
. Line Item Total Value - Menge * Netpr
. Open Quantity - WEMNG
. GR Quantity - Actual Qty = Open Qty
Fields Open Qty and GR Qty Should be editable ( Only if open qty > 0) and on change of GR Qty, Open Qty should change Automatically
2023 Sep 15 11:35 AM
Hello Ajay,
Thank you for visiting SAP Community to get answers to your questions. Since you're asking a question here for the first time, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with https://community.sap.com/resources/questions-and-answers, as it provides tips for preparing questions that draw responses from our members.
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Kind regards,
2023 Sep 15 1:46 PM
That's your specification.
2023 Sep 15 1:57 PM
Fields Open Qty and GR Qty Should be editable ( Only if open qty > 0) and on change of GR Qty, Open Qty should change Automatically.
This is my question.
2023 Sep 15 4:27 PM
Take a look at the programs BCALV_EDIT_*
Regards, Eduardo.
2023 Sep 15 5:16 PM
You are just repeating your question, although Raymond question was very clear.
Only one out of 100 people may understand what you mean.
2023 Sep 21 11:17 PM
Also no idea, what this has to do with "ABAP Connectivity"? Are you using HTTP or RFC communication somewhere here? Does not look like it.
Removing the tag for now.