2019 Jun 04 1:09 PM
I am trying to add a second exception column to ALV table. When I do it, first one dissapears, I tried few different approaches but I can not get it right, can anyone help me?
Firs column is created like that:
DATA(lo_columns) = o_alv->get_columns( ).
lo_columns->set_exception_column( value = 'COL1').
Then I try to add another one, either by using the same lo_columns, or creating a new variable:
DATA(lo_col) = o_alv->get_columns( ).
lo_col->set_exception_column( value = 'COL2').
But everytime only the last column declared as exception gets displayed...
Is there a different way of doing this?
2019 Jun 04 1:41 PM
Only one column can be defined an "exception" column. But you may display icons in other columns, without need of defining them "exception columns". Do you use special features of the exception column?
2019 Jun 04 2:06 PM
No, i do not. It is only for the display of those icons that come with exception column.
If I understand it can be achieved by assigning icon codes e.g.'@5B@' to a table field.
2019 Jun 04 2:37 PM
2019 Jun 05 7:33 AM
Don't use icon codes directly. Use the ones displayed when you run program SHOWICON. I.e. the ones that begin ICON_... In later versions of ABAP, you don't even need to include the type pool.
2019 Jun 05 2:05 PM
Check the documentation: Columns with special technical meaning.
Instead use method SET_ICON .