2023 Aug 16 4:32 PM
How do I call an SAP web service from an SQL server?
I have tried a couple different ways in SQL to call the service, but either get NULL as a response, or an ‘Unsupported xstream found’ error.
Below is one of the procedures I tried calling the web service with: I’m just learning this aspect with SQL and web services so any help, or pointing in the right direction is very appreciated.
The @authHeader confuses me on passing the user:password. Any idea on the proper way to pass the user:password?
DECLARE @authHeader NVARCHAR(64);
DECLARE @contentType NVARCHAR(64);
DECLARE @postData NVARCHAR(2000);
DECLARE @responseText NVARCHAR(2000);
DECLARE @responseXML NVARCHAR(2000);
DECLARE @statusText NVARCHAR(32);
--SET @authHeader = 'BASIC password???'; -- not sure if a key, or password goes here, if it is even needed
SET @contentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
SET @postData = '<soapenv:Body>
SET @url = 'http://frsl09v005.dp.net:8020/sap/bc/srt/rfc/sap/zpp_ws_get_planned_orders_df/100/get_planned_orders/get_planned_orders'
-- Open the connection.
EXEC @ret = sp_OACreate 'MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP', @token OUT;
IF @ret <> 0 RAISERROR('Unable to open HTTP connection.', 10, 1);
-- Send the request.
EXEC @ret = sp_OAMethod @token, 'open', NULL, 'POST', @url, 'false';
--EXEC @ret = sp_OAMethod @token, 'setRequestHeader', NULL, 'Authentication', @authHeader;
EXEC @ret = sp_OAMethod @token, 'setRequestHeader', NULL, 'Content-type', @contentType;
EXEC @ret = sp_OAMethod @token, 'send', NULL, @postData;
-- Handle the response.
EXEC @ret = sp_OAGetProperty @token, 'status', @status OUT;
EXEC @ret = sp_OAGetProperty @token, 'statusText', @statusText OUT;
EXEC @ret = sp_OAGetProperty @token, 'responseText', @responseText OUT;
-- Show the response.
PRINT 'Status: ' + @status + ' (' + @statusText + ')';
PRINT 'Response text: ' + @responseText;
-- Close the connection.
EXEC @ret = sp_OADestroy @token;
IF @ret <> 0 RAISERROR('Unable to close HTTP connection.', 10, 1);
Error Returned;
Status: 500 (Internal Server Error)