2009 Apr 18 5:30 PM
Is it possible to add a table type within a structure that is begin passed into call transformation? I am trying to convert xml file data into abap structure which has a table type within a table type. Is this possible?
In the xslt i have a loop with in a loop and it works fine from XSLT but errors out when calling from ABAP program.
2009 Apr 18 7:02 PM
try catching it :
CATCH cx_xslt_format_error INTO cx_format_error.
WRITE 😕 'kernel_errid = ', cx_format_error->kernel_errid.
err_text = cx_format_error->get_text( ).
WRITE 😕 'text = ', err_text.
2009 Apr 18 7:02 PM
try catching it :
CATCH cx_xslt_format_error INTO cx_format_error.
WRITE 😕 'kernel_errid = ', cx_format_error->kernel_errid.
err_text = cx_format_error->get_text( ).
WRITE 😕 'text = ', err_text.
2009 Apr 18 7:30 PM
thanks for the reply. I did check and it give the error as cx_xslt_format_error: Unexpected text for XML-ABAP transformation
this is the table type structure i have within a table structure. I need do separate loops instead of a loop within a loop.
2009 Apr 20 2:13 AM