2007 Nov 06 3:46 AM
in user will save some variant of the TCODE : MF60, and will put they in job what use SM36 to set job schedule.but the resule message can't be know in BG work.
i want to write a report to run the Transaction (MF60) and to save message with abap application log.
how to find the Transaction contain variant?
if i use abap code: CALL transaction in report,how to set variant to transaction.
i know the command:SUBMIT will call from VARIANT:
but MF60's report is RMPU_SEL_SCREEN,but this report have two transaction: MF60,MF63.
how to set Transaction to this RMPU_SEL_SCREEN.
i know the SM36 will set variant to TCODE,how to open job in ABAP.
thank you very much!
2007 Nov 06 3:58 AM
First Create a Variant for the Report RMPU_SEL_SCREEN in SE38.
Then Create a Job in SM36 and assign the Report RMPU_SEL_SCREEN. and the Variant.
This will work for u.
<b>reward if Helpful.</b>
2007 Nov 06 4:32 AM
First create a variant in your report program and then use,
Call Transaction using <ur internal table>
SET PARAMETER ID <This id you can get from F1 help> FIELD <Filed-name>dokar.
Hope this will help you
2007 Nov 06 4:41 AM
hi Rachit Khanna
ye, i will save my variants in report.
call transaction using <inter table>,how to set inter table reference with my variants.
my report follow work:
get the varaint about this transaction.
loop at varaints.
call transaction using <inter table>.
save the message to abap application log.
so what table contain varaints information about transaction.
how create <inter table > reference with variant.
please give my some demo code.
thank you!
2007 Nov 06 4:53 AM
Cu61 and Cu60 are two transactions in SAP (comes under Variant Configuration) to create a variant table and fill its contents respectively.
We can populate the content of CU61 from CU60.
Go thru this thread also.
See if this can help you.
Can you please make me one thing clear?
Do you want to search for the variants first from table or you know all the variants whcih you want to pass i mean do you have prior information of variants to pass.
Thanks and Regards,
Rachti Khanna
2007 Nov 06 5:15 AM
in my company,users will create themselves varaints about MF60.
and they put variants in job schedule (use SM36 ) in bg work at night.
so when these job is over,the last message don't show for they.
they doubt about it and they will spent lot time to get what oneself document for last genearate.
i want to write a report and put this report in job schedule to run MF60.
and get last message for call transaction in abap appliacation log.
next day users just use TCODE SLG1 to view last night run MF60 result.
so first i must get all MF60 of variant what will be run and get message
when this transancations is over.save message in database!
thank you very much for your help!