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BW Authorizations Hirerachy Error

Former Member
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Hello Experts,

I am experiencing a strange error with regards to the hirerachy authorizations..

My objective is to create roles (25) that wouldgrant access to the different cost center under cost center hierarchy.So that if a Business Manager is assigned with a role on Particular cost center then when he execute BW report he is supposed to see only BW data on that particular cost center....

Steps Followed.

T:Code- RSSM

Created a authorization object

Selected the data targets

'Authorization for several users' (rssm)...selected the authourization object (Context Menu) create profile...

By selecting required node drag and droped the node so that would generate a profile.


Create a role

Change authorization data

edit-insert authorization for profil and inserted the profile generated in rssm..

Like wise i created 25 different authorizations objects and a profile for each and inserted them in 25 different roles...

My Error

If a user is assigned with a roles to authorize to view data on Cost center 1

If I execute a report by selecting the variable selection button and select my variable the report execute perfectly…

But if I select the same report again and execute it the it shows me error

When checking your authorizations for object 'Cheif Executive's Department' (technical name: ZCCCHO) it was established that you do not have authorization in your user master record for this object (return code 12).

System response


How you continue depends on the return code. See the online documentation for ABAP language element "AUTHORITY-CHECK". Please note:

• With a return code of 12, the object 'Cheif Executive's Department' has not been maintained in the user master, meaning there is no profile in the user master record in which this authorization object has been entered. This is, however, absolutely necessary, as all of the authorization objects created in the development class RSR are validated in the 'and' link. If the authorization is missing for only one object, the request is rejected as unauthorized.

• Get the person responsible for your authorization to create you a profile containing authorization for object Cheif Executive's Department.

Notification Number BRAIN 805

But if I select the report again and choose the variable selection button and execute it it will execute perfectly

This is strange how can I solve this

Please update me on this ASAP…Urgent




Former Member
0 Kudos

Did you assign the Custom Object in a role given to the user directly?

what is exactly the variable you use, is it authorisation relevant and did yoy make it readuy for input or did yiou thick the box Can be changed in query navigation, as these are very strickt to apply when creating varaiables based on authorisations.

0 Kudos


Thanks for update

Did you assign the Custom Object in a role given to the user directly?

yes i did

Yes it is authorization releavent and


did yoy make it readuy for input or did yiou thick the box Can be changed in query navigation

What is abap programe 'AUTHORIZATION-CHECK' how can i navigate there


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Try the following steps to trace your custom authorization objects.

1) T-code RSSM

2) Extras=> Select Authorization Check Log

3) Use the User ID you wish to trace

To view results, Click on the Display Icon in T-code RSSM

Hope this helps.

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The settings of teh varaible you can chaek in the chaneg query dialog box, got to the field and dril down to teh vaiable level. it you that look at the vaiable design you see all info and play with these as that makes a hige difference when using authoriation fields in a query.

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Thanks for the help...

How can i navigate to the AUTHORIZATION-CHECK programe