2016 Mar 15 8:34 AM
I'm working on my final exam and I need one or more books which I can use as source of information about Dynpros.
I learned everything form practicing and my colleauges and I can't find a book where Dynpros are explained, they are just mentioned in context with WebDynpros for example.
I really searched a lot so maybe someone knows a book where Dynpros and there components are explained.
I'm thankful for any hints and tips!
2016 Mar 15 8:48 AM
Try the SAP Course BC410, it's all about developing screen based user dialogs. And I'm not sure if SAP PRESS has a book on the subject, but you can always check.
2016 Mar 15 8:48 AM
Try the SAP Course BC410, it's all about developing screen based user dialogs. And I'm not sure if SAP PRESS has a book on the subject, but you can always check.
2016 Mar 15 9:37 AM
2016 Mar 15 9:39 AM
Thanks! But I'm looking for Classic Dynpros. I should have clearified that.
I think I'll use this one now.
2016 Mar 15 12:50 PM