2008 Oct 01 6:40 PM
This is a serious question. I just posted it with the weird title for those who are following the US presidential elections, and the stupid little song that McCain sang about bombing Iran.
Here's the question.
Does SAP allow any way to change the valid-to date at the BOM header level itself? This field is not open for input in CS02, so if you use the "edit"
And if you look at the "MaterialBOM.Edit" method of BUS1080, it simply makes refernece to CS02. So if this means that SAP wants customers to write BDCs to edit BOM's, then this approach won't allow change of valid-to because CS02 doesn't allow this on-line.
Any responses to this question would be appreciated. I personally think the client requirement here is probably "out of line" with SAP's view of the world, because when you do a delete in CS02, rows are PHYSICALLY deleted from STKO, not logically deleted. And this tells me that SAP doesn't want 'inactive"
2008 Oct 01 8:54 PM
Hi David,
The Note 81868 mentions that the BOM cannot be deleted with the same change number that was used for creation..
I believe you can use another change number (different from the one used for creating BOM) to delete the BOM.
2008 Oct 01 7:34 PM
Hi David,
Through config we can enable the field for input..check the table TCS33..
For record type AT and record value 'V'..
change the thirteenth character to from * to +...
Now you can change the value-to date in CS02 header screen..
But when I change the date there...The system is not reacting...and it puts back the orignial value..
Not sure if SAP has coded anything for this..
Also I will check if there is any configuration available...to do the soft delete..
2008 Oct 01 7:40 PM
Thanks very much as usual, Narendran. Your expertise awes me.
I have awarded 12 because you indicate that there may be still be a problem (because the date change doesn't take.)
Best regards
2008 Oct 01 7:48 PM
i don't think you can change it. i tried with Transaction/screen variants still it is in display mode. the design itself valid to is display field.
2008 Oct 01 7:51 PM
Hi Vijay -
Thanks for confirming what my colleague here already found out about CS02. I strongly suspect that "deactiving a BOM at the header" level just doesn't "jibe" with SAP's view of the world, and that's why there's no obvious way to do it.
Best as always
2008 Oct 01 7:56 PM
Hi David,
Did you try to delete the BOM using the change number..?
2008 Oct 01 8:01 PM
Hi Narendran -
That's kind of what I suggested to my colleague. Since the process will be batch only, I suggested deleting the BOM and readding with a new valid-to.
But I don't know what you mean by "change number".
Also, I don't know if you mean "delete in CS02 on-line" or delete via some function call (there's no explicit delete method in BUS1080).
2008 Oct 01 8:35 PM
Not sure if this is directly related but figured it wouldn't hurt to point out [Note 81868|https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/81868] which states:
As of Release 4.0, it is no longer possible to delete a BOM header with the change number with which it was created. The function is stopped since this leads to the production of BOMs that can no longer be processed with maintenance transactions. This often leads to problems, for example the component materials cannot be reorganized because they are still in use and it is no longer possible to recreate the BOM if required.
A date shift does not permit the production of two headers with the same valid-from date in one alternative BOM.
Have you also seen [Note 420523|https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/420523]?
2008 Oct 01 8:47 PM
Hi J -
Thanks for taking the time - I think that is also very helpful information. Curous to see how Vijay and Narendran interpret the notes in relation to what they found (if they're still around and have the time.)
Wish I could award you more than 4, but that's all that's left. I have to talk to Craig about that.
Thanks again
2008 Oct 01 8:05 PM
In the transaction CS02 ...there is an option to enter the change number...(change number - tcode CC01)...
what I have observed is...if I delete the material BOM using the change number...I believe It is not physically deleting it from the database..
2008 Oct 01 8:08 PM
Narendran -
Aha! You may have provided the answer. When she deletes in CS02 without any change number, it's a physical delet.e
I've awarded 12 and am keeping the question open. But if your answer works for the client, I will come back to award the full 20.
Thank you very much again (as usual.)
2008 Oct 01 8:20 PM
if you use Engineering change number , then the validity to date will be delimited. and new version will be generated. when i am checking the function CS_CL_S_BOM_CHANGE i found that logic.
2008 Oct 01 8:33 PM
2008 Oct 01 8:11 PM
Hi David,
Yes..The deletion indication (LKENZ) in STKO is setting only if we delete the BOM using the change number..
Also please check the documentation for the field STKO-LKENZ..
2008 Oct 01 8:54 PM
Hi David,
The Note 81868 mentions that the BOM cannot be deleted with the same change number that was used for creation..
I believe you can use another change number (different from the one used for creating BOM) to delete the BOM.
2008 Oct 01 8:57 PM
Hey N -
I was hoping you'd respond because that's what I thought you would say.
I think I've got enough for the client now, so I've awarded you the 20 and am closing the thread.
Thanks very much again (and to Vijay/Jamie also).