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BDC for QE17.

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0 Kudos

I am creating a BDC for the transaction QE17 for result recording of MIC's for the Operations. In the first screen we give the Inspection lot number and its operation. The second screen gives all the MIC's for that particular operation in an editable table control with one column to enter the result text.

We can enter the result text for a particular MIC and then save it (OK Code is '=BU' ). When we click on save the transaction gets completed. We also have an option to select and lock a particular MIC for editing (OK Code is '=AUBL') after we enter the result text.(This is an optional thing and not mandatory).This you can do with each row or all the rows selected together.

My problem is with locking the row.Since the Locking comes first and then it is followed with save I have coded it accordingly. But when I am running the BDC in all screen mode the OK code for the lock ('=AUBL') never appears at all and directly the OK code for save (=BU') is displayed. I have tried adding some dummy code like enter between the locking and save operation and even these do not get displayed. But if I comment the Save operation('=BU') then the lock operation is displayed and it also locks the rows. But the BDC stops on that screen. The transaction as I have said do not get completed without the save operation.

Need some help desperately.


Former Member
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See note 91757.
